thank you anton and anna !
After five years in their respective roles as CEO and Partnerships Manager, husband and wife team, Anna and Anton, have decided now is the time to step back and enable two talented long term employees to step up and lead the organisation into an exciting new chapter.
This month we took a few moments to reflect on their time with OzGREEN….
How did you both start working for OzGREEN?
Anton - A friend asked me to join the board of OzGREEN in 2017 and then in late 2018 I was asked to take on the role of CEO. I loved the work that OzGREEN was doing and was ready for a new challenge. It wasn’t a hard decision to say yes!
Anna - I’d dreamed of working for a not for profit organisation for many years. When OzGREEN’s Co-founder, Sue Lennnox, asked me to join OzGREEN I didn’t hesitate. The trust and belief that Sue bestowed in Anton and I was really quite extraordinary. What an amazing gift she gave us by letting us share her life’s work!
What was it like in the beginning?
Anton - It was full of possibilities! The first twelve months involved learning about OzGREEN’s existing programs and also exploring new areas for program development. In early 2019, Sue and I combined our skills to design a program focused on preparing the community for future climate related disasters. The program was very timely because by the end of 2019 we were experiencing the black summer bushfires, followed by a pandemic and then the floods. After a successful pilot program in Bellingen Shire, Resilient Communities went on to be delivered in over thirty locations across the North and Mid North Coast.
Anna - The early days involved a lot of grant writing and a lot of project delivery. OzGREEN’s social and environmental work resonated deeply with me and I was super keen to continue and expand upon it. It was a busy and exciting time!
What did you enjoy during your time at OzGREEN?
Anton - Working with an amazing group of smart, motivated and talented people who were committed to protecting the environment.
Anna - I agree one hundred percent!! There wasn’t a single day, over the last five years, where I didnt want to go to work. That’s largely because of all the wonderful people we worked with and also the type of work we were doing. As a group, we created something beautiful and special that will continue to have a ripple effect for many years to come.
Anton, how has OzGREEN evolved under your leadership?
Many years ago a boss once said to me; “Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you are…..and then get out of their way” So, that’s exactly what I did and that’s how OzGREEN has evolved!
Anna, what are some of the most impactful partnerships you’ve established?
A good partnership involves shared values, trust, respect, fairness, equity, accountability, regular communication and recognition of each partner organisations unique strengths. When the mix is right, positive impact unfolds very naturally! I’ve been so lucky to have been involved in many partnerships over the last five years. Every single one of them has helped to create a positive impact in one way or another. It would be really hard to single out one or two.
How have your roles at OzGREEN impacted you personally and professionally?
Anton - Working for OzGREEN has shown me how effective small organisations can be. OzGREEN has achieved so much over the last five years with very limited resources. My time at OzGREEN has also strengthened my commitment to sustainability and the environment.
Anna - The last five years have taught me that human beings are hardwired to care and to collaborate. As Partnerships Manager for OzGREEN, I’ve experienced so much love, kindness and generosity over the years, and for that I am extremely grateful. Most people really do want to make the world a better place. This innate human quality is precious and beautiful and it’s what continues to inspire and motivate me professionally and personally every single day.
What legacy do you hope to leave behind for the organisation?
Anton - I really wanted to create a workplace where employees were given opportunities to explore and grow, both personally and professionally. I hope all of OzGREEN’s employees continue to feel like they can make a positive difference in the world.
Anna - I hope OzGREEN continues to be a place where people feel heard, valued, supported and empowered. A place that works to address social and environmental challenges, while also prioritising people's happiness and well-being when making decisions and solving problems.
What’s next for both of you professionally?
Anton - I’ve just started work on a local road project that will deliver some really good outcomes for rural people who live in remote areas.
Anna - I’m still writing grants for Bellingen Shire, just for a different organisation.
What will you miss most about OzGREEN?
Anton - I’ll miss working with a group of dedicated, intelligent and motivated employees who consistently go above and beyond to make a difference. It has been a privilege to work with such an exceptional group of people.
Anna - I’ll miss everything! The work ethic, the professionalism, the fun, the laughter, and the excitement of delivering a diverse range of sustainability focussed programs and events. Together, as an organisation, we have delivered so many projects that have achieved positive social, environmental and economic outcomes. I have hundreds of wonderful memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.