mentoring Stories

Many of the people that we have mentored go on to start movements, initiatives and projects that create a better world.

  • Nick Allardice


    “Thank god I found OzGREEN! Over the course of an incredibly transformative workshop and weekend, I not only clarified my values and decided what I really wanted to stand for as a human, but also, really committed myself, not just to the talk, but to the action.”

  • Hayley Morris

    Chair, Sustainable Table

    ”So much of what I’ve been able to do is because of OzGREEN and the involvement that I had there at such a young age.

    It has really been transformative in setting my life up.”

  • Vanessa Moskal

    National Carbon Bank of Australia

    “I believe in the power of OzGREEN’s programs to change the world one leader at a time.”

WE mentor regional people

with a particular focus on regional women and regional young people


Support us to do our important work.

The future is

not a place we are going,

but one we are


- John Schaar