Watching 101
Learn about weather and how to keep safe
A workshop to build community capacity and preparedness for severe weather events.
We understand that severe weather and associated forecasts is a key factor in aiding a community’s recovery.
About the Facilitator
This workshop is delivered by OzGREEN’s Co- Founder, Sue Lennox, a former science teacher who brings 3 decades of experience in citizen science and enabling communities to be informed and involved in caring for the environment, strengthening community resilience and living sustainably.
About the Workshop
The Weather Watching 101 workshop aims to build community capacity and preparedness for severe weather events. During the workshops participants will learn how to use various weather reporting services to keep informed about severe weather events and also daily weather patterns. This workshop strengthens community capacity and preparedness for severe weather (flood, storm, fire, drought, heatwave).
This workshop is 90 mins long and can be delivered in-person or online. It is targeted at audiences 18+.
OzGREEN is a Bellingen based charity with over 3 decades of experience in community education and empowerment.
What participants will learn
How to read a synoptic chart
How to use reliable sources of weather information:
Bureau of Meteorology
NSW IA (Incident Alert)
How to follow warnings coming from emergency service broadcasts during severe events, including:
Hazards Near Me
Council website
How to track rain and river heights during major rain events
Set up links to these weather services on your own device.
Prepare a plan for how you will monitor weather and follow severe weather events.
Enquire today!
To enquire about running a Weather Watching 101 workshop in your community, please contact Sue Lennox.

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