We’re on a mission to create vibrant, sustainable and connected regional communities.
OzGREEN empowers people to take action to protect the environment and strengthen communities.
We work across the four areas of waste, rivers, trees, and wellbeing.
We deliver waste and re-use projects to redirect waste from landfill and build skills towards a zero waste future.
We deliver river health workshops and projects to collect citizen science data and educate communities about protecting rivers.
We coordinate tree planting projects and events to engage communities in revegetating the environment.
We host walks, camps, events and groups to increase wellbeing - connecting people with nature and each other, building capacity, confidence and motivation.
walk with us
"The future is not a place we are going, but one we are creating."
- John Schaar
we can’t do what we do without the support of our membership.
become a member
TREE-for-the-future MEMBeRSHIP
Choose this membership and we’ll plant a tree along the rivers of the Bellinger and Kalang catchments and keep you updated on our planting projects and the growth of your tree!

What makes us unique?
We employ + Mentor.
We employ and mentor regional people to help us achieve our mission.
With a focus on regional young people and regional women. Read more about employing young people.
Why waste, rivers, trees & WELLBEING?
We lead initiatives to reduce waste, promote sustainable consumption, and drive a shift towards a circular economy. Through community education and practical solutions, we inspire responsible waste management and help create a cleaner future.
Rivers are essential to the health of our ecosystems and communities. OzGREEN works to protect and restore our rivers through citizen science, community engagement, and on-the-ground restoration projects, ensuring these vital waterways remain thriving and healthy.
Trees are the backbone of resilient ecosystems. Our programs focus on reforestation, tree planting, and habitat restoration to enhance biodiversity, combat climate change, and support thriving natural environments.
We believe that the wellbeing of individuals and communities is key to a sustainable future. OzGREEN fosters physical, mental, and emotional health through nature connection, community programs, and initiatives that promote resilience and wellbeing.
our impact
OzGREEN projects empower individuals and groups to take meaningful action for the environment and their wellbeing.
Additionally, many of our program participants go on to start movements, initiatives and projects that create a better world.
Explore our impact at the links below:
LET’s build
vibrant communities together !
Whether through volunteering, participating in our programs, or supporting our work, there are many ways to help build vibrant, sustainable and connected regional communities.
free resources
river health resources
macroinvertebrate resources
nature connection resources
zero waste resources
Threatened Species Resources
Water Quality Monitoring Resources
10 Ways to Help the Rivers.
There are 10 easy ways to help the rivers of the Bellinger and Kalang catchments.
These rivers are some of the healthiest rivers in Australia and it’s up to the community and tourists of this area to protect what we have.
Why our mission?
Vibrant communities supports wellbeing, social connections and belonging. They spark innovation and creativity and build energy. Collaboration and fresh ideas flourish.
Sustainable communities manage resources responsibly, allowing both current and future generations to thrive. They prioritise environmental health, social equity, and economic stability and build long-term prosperity for all.
WHY connected?
Connected communities are resilient communities. Through strong social connections and local capacity, people can adapt and thrive in the face of challenges like climate change and natural disasters.
Regional communities often face unique challenges, such as limited access to resources and services. They play a critical role in protecting the environment, with their livelihoods often closely tied to natural ecosystems.
Support Us
Love what we do?
The best way you can support our work is to make a one-off or monthly donation.