Why we employ young people
We provide quality employment opportunities for young people to develop skills to create a better world.
OzGREEN’s Youth Coordinators inspire others to take action to build a sustainable world.
Our young employees help deliver our programs, events, activities, and campaigns. They are also supported to create resources, build networks, write grants and form new partnerships. In the process, they learn many leadership skills including event management, marketing and communication, public speaking and financial management. Our inclusive work environment supports and equips our leaders of tomorrow.
Employing young people to protect the planet is a powerful investment for tomorrow.
Young people
are the future.
Young people have grown up in the digital information age. They are informed and aware and are quick to learn new tools and technologies. Our young employees have increased OzGREEN’s digital reach in recent years through new social media platforms, tagging, mentions, videos, blogs, podcasts, digital newsletters, Google analytics and search engine optimisation.
Build the future for our youth.
Young people are essential for creating positive change in today’s world. They are excellent leaders and are very effective at inspiring and mobilising others. Young people have high ideals and they speak from the heart.
Their passion and enthusiasm ignites a fire in others, inspiring a ripple effect of positive action.
Our young employees inspire and activate a wide variety of people to make a difference when they speak at events, festivals and conferences. They also feature in the media on a regular basis, sharing their concerns and solutions to various environmental problems.
Young people are great at
inspiring others
Young people bring
fresh perspectives.
We love employing young people because they provide fresh perspectives that enrich our workplace and foster creativity.
Young people foster a dynamic and collaborative work environment that enables the exchange of knowledge and skills across the generations.
Young people share similar experiences and can relate to each others achievements and struggles. This is because they consume similar media, music and fashion and are influenced by the same popular culture. Our transformational youth programs are therefore more effective when delivered by other young people.
Young people
know young people.
Lily’s Story
“OzGREEN has reminded me of how strong my voice can be.”
Sam’s Story
“One thing I really value [about my job] is being able to work creatively to provide opportunities for other young people to build the skills to understand how they can see themselves in this world too!"
Support us to employ young people
By supporting our Youth Coordinators into stable employment at OzGREEN, you are making a lasting difference to this world on many levels.