Rethink Waste Team at the Dream On Festival
Sun 21 Apr | Corindi Beach | 14+
Sun 21 Apr | Corindi Beach | 14+
Sun 21 Apr | Corindi Beach | 14+
Join the OzGREEN Rethink team to help reduce and sort waste at Yarrawarra Aboriginal Corporations Dream On Festival!
No experience necessary - all information and training is provided.
Volunteer at this wonderful celebration of the incredible talent of our first nations people here on the Mid North Coast and help make a difference.
Step 1 - Select one or more shifts, then click ‘Register’.
Step 2 - Complete Rethink Waste form
Step 3 - Complete billing information ( no need to enter financial information)
What is involved in the Volunteer role?

Volunteers will work at one of two BIN STATIONS set up with a:
yellow bin (co-mingled recycling)
compost bin
red bin (landfill)
Bin Stations will be located around the Corindi Beach site. Volunteers will assist patrons to sort rubbish into the appropriate bins and provide education about waste streams. Volunteers will swap out bins if they become full during the event.
OzGREEN will provide support and assistance throughout the event helping with any questions you may have about waste.
“I was super impressed with the 3 bin system and the people volunteering at the stations.”
Want to know more? Read these FAQ’s
No experience is necessary. We will send out a link to our portal with a short video and information about sorting waste before the event.
No need to stress! We have easy-to-read signs in the waste tent to help remind everyone what goes where :) We will have our Rethink team circulating on the day checking in with all our Volunteers and can answer any questions you have.
Not at all. We love to support youth who are keen to volunteer in their community and can adapt roles if needed. All Youth will work with an adult to ensure they are suitably supported in this role.
Learn more about Yarrawarra Aboriginal Cultural Centre’s Dream On Festival…

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