Rethink Waste Team at the Bellingen Show
4-5 May | Bellingen | Free ticket | 14+
4-5 May | Bellingen | Free ticket | 14+
4-5 May | Bellingen | Free ticket | 14+
Join the OzGREEN Rethink team to help reduce waste at the Bellingen Show!
No experience necessary - all information and training is provided.
Please add as many shifts as you like to your cart and then checkout (cart icon, top right). We would love for our vollies to do 2 x 2hr shifts but understand life can be busy!
Shifts include monitoring bins and/or swapping out bins as necessary.
Free ticket for your efforts!
We have an amazing group of volunteers - join us and help your community!
A small thank you…
You will receive a free ticket on the day you are volunteering. This will be an e-ticket and will be emailed to you once you have completed the registration form below (this may take a few days as we have to pass on your details to the Bellingen Show Committee).

How do the Bin Stations work?
With enough volunteers we will set up 5 bins stations, each with a:
red bin
yellow bin (co-mingled recycling)
compost bin
10c collection bin (cans and bottles)
These will be located around the food and main sections of the show grounds. The remaining bin stations will have red bins and 10c collection bins. Volunteers will check these bins throughout the day and swap out when necessary.
Chrysalis Year 10 students will be collecting the cans after the show to raise funds for their trip to Arnhem Land later in the year.
“I was super impressed with the 3 bin system and the people volunteering at the stations.”
Want to know more? Read these FAQ’s
No experience is necessary. We will send out a short video and info booklet with details about sorting waste before the event.
No need to stress! We are going to have these really easy-to-read signs in the waste tent to help remind everyone what goes where :) We will also have our Rethink team circulating on the day checking in with all our Volunteers and can answer any questions you have.
Not at all. We love to support youth who are keen to volunteer in their community and can adapt roles if needed. All Youth will work with an adult to ensure they are suitably supported in this role.
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