Community Preparedness Days
Nov 2022 | Kyogle and Evans Head, NSW, Australia
We partnered with local organisations in Kyogle and Evans Head to strengthen and expand community networks.
of survey respondents reported an increase in their capacity to act to strengthen community resilience.
of respondents believed in themselves as a leaders for positive change following the workshops.
Outputs and Outcomes
2 events
32 participants
4 partnerships
First Nations people led a series of community building activities.
Evans Head participants visited Wardell Core and learnt how to establish and build a thriving resilience hub in a regional town.
Participants felt a strong sense of wellbeing, belonging and connection
Kyogle participants connected with WildBnb and discovered ways to support threatened species in their local areas.
Community mentors led small group sessions on a variety of topics.
Participants expressed their local environmental concerns, created a vision for the future and developed action plans to take forward.