Important -

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These instructions are only for Green EC Meters.

The majority of sites have grey meters.

Equipment :

  • 50ml beaker

  • 500ml water sample

  • 500𝝻S/cm (low) Calibration Standard

  • Distilled water

  • Green Electrical Conductivity Meter

  • Latex gloves

  • Safety glasses

  • Specimen container

1. Press the β€˜CAL’ button to put into calibrate mode & the numbers on the screen will flash. Quickly then use the β€˜HOLD/ENT’ button to scroll up & around to come back 500.

2. Then, wait 3 seconds without pressing any buttons; the display will flash 3 times then shows β€˜Ent’. The meter is now calibrated.

Note: If it doesn’t read 500 on the screen after calibrating, repeat the process from Step 5.

3. Take the meter out of the solution, rinse probes with distilled water.

4. You can now continue on with your EC test on sample water, or turn off & put away if you’ll use it later for testing. The meter is now calibrated.

  • Electrical Conductivity (EC) is the measure of the ability of water to conduct an electric current and depends upon the number of ions or charged particles in the water. EC is an indirect method of measuring salinity and includes the measurements of all salts and organic acids. Many species can only survive in a very narrow range of salt concentration.

    The unit of measurement for electrical conductivity is expressed in either micro Siemens per centimetre (Β΅S/cm) or milli Siemens per centimetre (mS/cm).